San Bernadino Animal Control

Phones answered 24-hours a day Closed Sundays, Mondays and holidays

Animal Control provides a wide range of services for people and animals in our community, including investigative services for citizen complaints, dangerous dog hearings, animal bites and cruelty cases and many others. Maintaining a high level of rabies vaccination and pet licensing compliance helps us addresses health and safety issues. Protecting people from the dangers and nuisances of uncontrolled animals and keeping animals safe from mistreatment and abuse is vital to our role in the community. Promoting, motivating and enforcing responsible pet ownership is our number one goal. Our philosophy is to keep working at the root causes of pet overpopulation and irresponsible pet ownership - to provide alternatives to indiscriminate breeding of pets, to encourage people to become better pet owners and to make our community a better place for both people and animals.
333 Chandler Place, San Bernardino, 92408, CA, US

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