Citizens for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty, Inc. (C-PAC Inc.) is a 501(c)3 non-profit, charitable organization located in Fayette County, West Virginia. Our Mission Statement is committed to control the dog/cat population through spaying and neutering; to ensure all animals are treated with dignity and respect and free from owner abuse; and to provide them with a warm, caring home for resident's locally and out-of-state. Our Vision Statement goals are that each dog and cat receives the undivided attention of every shelter staff, volunteer, and veterinarians, from grooming and health/fitness to one-on-one contact by way of walking, talking, and petting; and to educate the public on the effects of animal abuse and neglect. C-PAC started the county's first ever low-cost spay/neuter program of its' kind. We know this is the only way to stop the needless euthanasia of unwanted animals in the world today. C-PAC has maintained the county animal shelter since April of 2001.