Safe Haven Kitten Rescue

Safe Haven was started in February of 1998. We are very proud of our accomplishments. We started Safe Haven strictly to rescue abandoned kittens. So many are born outside in the cold and left to fend for themselves. I grew very disillusioned with the rescue agency I was fostering for and decided the only way I would get things done that I wanted done was - you guessed it - do it myself. I started Safe Haven with the sole purpose in mind of saving lives. Mary Huber joined me almost immediately. To save lives we made a plan and have, so far, been quite successful. We rescue abandoned kittens - kittens found in Dumpsters, old cars, behind restaurants or out in fields. The places where you can find these kittens are endless and at times, mind boggling. We have had kittens taken off the conveyor belt at our local dump site, taken out of cardboard boxes taped shut and put into Dumpsters. If only people were as imaginative dealing with their pregnant females as they are the unwanted off spring - but they are not. Sadly enough many kittens die cruel inhumane deaths each and every year and that's where we come in. We intervene as often as we can to save the lives of these unwanted babies. We raise them in our homes - take them to the Vet - make sure they are spayed/neutered, and have their first shots before we find adoptive families.
270 Redwood Shores Parkway #139, Redwood City, 94065, CA, USA

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