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Full service rescue for Pembroke Welsh Corgis in the San Bernardino and Riverside counties. All dogs vaccinated, spay/neutered prior to adoption.

The City of Rancho Cucamonga Animal Care & Adoption Center offers the following services: * Pets for adoption * Pet care information * Microchipping (tiny identification tags placed under the skin) * Spay/neuter information * Surrender of unwa ...

We are a non-profit no-kill sanctuary that at this time specializes in dogs. Our mission is that we are dedicated to the well being of orphaned animals and giving them the care that they so greatly deserve.

Phones answered 24-hours a day Closed Sundays, Mondays and holidays Animal Control provides a wide range of services for people and animals in our community, including investigative services for citizen complaints, dangerous dog hearings, animal bites ...

family and friend-based rescue for about 8 dogs at a time. about 60-70 placed per year.

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