frisco 450x300Calling Frisco remarkable just doesn't come close to who he was. Let me start with the facts. He is a Snowshoe Siamese. It is a rare breed and it is very distinctive in its appearance and personality. They are highly intelligent cats. They are confident, opinionated, and have a strong personality. They are not a cat that you should have if you are not a homebody. They need you around all the time. They are not needy, but they need to be your constant companion. Frisco was that. He was my shadow. Wherever I was in the house, he was right there with me. His sister (biological) wasn't as compelled to stay as close all the time but I definitely knew she was near. I adopted them both when they were weeks old and knew immediately that this was going to be an incredible journey.

Frisco figured out how to talk to me early on so that I would understand. It was always clear what he wanted or how he felt about things. Mealtimes were especially interesting as he circled my legs as I prepared the meals and then gulped his food down so that he could compete with his sister to grab the food away from the others. Consequently, he got to be a pretty big boy. That never slowed him down though. If I was walking down the hallway, he would position himself so that he could take off even with me and beat me to the end. I would laugh heartily and he would be very proud of himself. There was so much more to him and those stories I will keep close to my heart.

Frisco had a heart condition that I was not aware of. And in a moment's time, without any warning, he went from running to being paralyzed and in tremendous pain. I rushed him to the ER Vet. The diagnosis was not good. He had a crisis of FATE, Feline Aortic Thromboembolism (Saddle Thrombus) which is a result of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. I will leave you to do the research. Through tears and anguish, I had to make the most painful and devastating decision ever.

The house now feels so not right for those of us left behind. His sister still looks for him and calls for him. I feel him everywhere and yet, even though I can't see him, I know that he is still my constant companion.

Rest now, my darling boy. You are greatly missed and will never be forgotten.

In Loving Memory
Frisco French
January 26, 2014 - September 30, 2024

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