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We are an all-volunteer group whose mission is to "Unite dogs in need of permanent homes with caring and loving guardians". We don't have a shelter but instead work through a network of foster homes and conduct adoption fairs in the Colorado Springs area. ...

A no-kill facility for dogs. a 501 (C) 3 tax exempt organization that has been in existance for 22+ years.

The Ark Valley Humane Society provides an animal shelter for Chaffee County, Colorado's lost and unwanted pets. As part of our lost/found and adoption services we advertise animals in the local newspapers, on the radio and are open to the public several t ...

The Black Forest Animal Sanctuary (BFAS) is a rescue and rehab farm dedicated to helping those animals that are abused, neglected, or no longer wanted by their current owners. Our organization has farms based in Colorado with Nationwide adoption & rehabil ...

Private rescue for shiba inus, they are fostered in a private home until a permenant home is found. Black forest shiba is dedicated to these great and unique breed.

We were founded December 1994 as a no-kill rescue organization. We were awarded our IRS 501 (c)3 non-profit tax exempt status February 1996. Mission: Foster and place adoptable shelter dogs into permanent homes; assist in increasing adoptions of shelter d ...

Dedicated to educating the public about wolves and wolf-hybrids. We provide educational tours on site.

Envisioning a compassionate world where people value, respect and provide a secure and loving quality of life for companion animals.

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