At HappyPaws, our mission is to find loving homes for pets who have been abused, neglected, or simply just need a home. Being a no-kill sanctuary in Arlington, WA, we provide seven acres of lush green countryside for the lucky animals that find their way ...

HAVA, the Harbor Association of Volunteers for Animals, is an all-volunteer group serving the animals of the Twin Harbors region of Washington state. The area we cover stretches roughly from Westport in the north to Bay Center in the south. It encompasses ...

Hoofs and Paws Rescue is a non-profit alternative safe haven with six plus acres. We are a Family farm dedicated to the love and protection of all animals, hooved or paws! Years of experience with horses, ponies, donkeys, goats, turkeys, chickens and Germ ...

We take in unwanted horses -- starved, abused, older, OR just needing a quick placement. We are familiar with proper feeding, provide shelter, 6 acres of Pasture lots of love and care and understanding.

(west on West Fourth Plain Boulevard past Fruit Valley Road, then left on 26th Street Extension)The Southwest Washington Humane Society, also known as the Vancouver Humane Society and SPCA, is one of the oldest charitable organizations in Clark County...w ...

We are committed to improving animal welfare by eliminating cruelty and pet overpopulation through education, law enforcement, providing shelter, promoting lifetime adoptions and spay/neuter programs.

We always have dogs and cats available for adoption. We also offer puppies, kittens, bunnies, guinea pigs, parakeets, cockatiels and other small pets as they come in. Please visit us to see what we have available at any given time. Selection changes all d ...

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