Angels In Distress, Inc. located in the South Kansas City, Grandview, Belton, Raymore areas is an organization of caring individuals devoted to the rescue and re-homing of small purebred and mixed-breed dogs. We accept dogs in need from shelters, other re ...
Animal Outlaws is dedicated to providing and nurturing societies' animals that have been cast away as undesirable; hence, the name "Animal Outlaws". Once under our care, we have found these unwanted pets to be the epitome of a loving companion who has had ...
Bast's Treasures is a no-kill kitten rescue. We specialize in kittens, newborn to five weeks. We strive to provide a safe, cage-free, loving home environment until they are old enough to be adopted. We also have the occasional older adoptee.
We are a tiny, inadequate "dog pound" which was established as a temporary holding pen for stray dogs brought in by law enforcement. As we work towards both caring for the dogs currently in our care and finding homes for them, we are also working with the ...
We are a small town City Pound that the animals had no chance in until the founder of Rosemoon Rescue Ranch came on the scene in Feb of 2003, thanks to Daneil, Sharon and Kristina not one animal has been put down since.
Since 1948, the Carthage Humane Society has been here to provide: * safe, caring temporary housing homeless companion animals * Placement of adoptable animals in responsible homes * Reduction in pet over-population by offering education on the advant ...
The Caruthersville Humane Society is located in the City of Caruthersville Animal Shelter. We have partnered with the city to try to help find homes for the animals that are dropped off at the shelter or found abandoned on the streets. Come visit us! W ...
We are a family run Shelter in Conway, Missouri, We are a Missouri Non-for-Profit Corp, and Missouri Dept of Ag. Licensed. We have dogs of all ages and breeds, Purebreds and pure dogs. Come by and see if we might have your next "Best Friend".
Home based family ran shelter for all who need a helping hand. Or a loving home. We have dogs, cats, barn yard and other animals at any given time.
Castaway Animal Rescue Effort (C.A.R.E.) is a state-licensed nonprofit, no-kill animal shelter and sanctuary that specializes in rescuing sick, injured, and abused animals in the Ozarks. We rely entirely on donations and are volunteer driven.
Located at 616 Big Bear Blvd. in Columbia, Missouri, the Central Missouri Humane Society is a private, non-profit organization founded in 1943 to prevent and alleviate the suffering and uncontrolled reproduction of companion animals with an emphasis on pu ...
We rescue & place unwanted Australian Cattle Dogs, their Mixes, Small Breeds & you just never know what breed or mix our hearts will tell us to save and place them into loving forever homes. We also do All Breed Rescue Referrals.
A non-profit organization dedicated to caring for lost and abandoned dogs and cats, the Christian County Animal Shelter is working to help people find a friend for life.
Normal hours of operation will be from 2 P.M.-6 P.M. Monday through Friday and from 10 A.M.- 2 P.M. Saturday and Sunday. This is the time we expect to be open to the public.
We are a nonprofit tax exempt organization that rescues and rehabilitates all wildlife and equines. We always have room for one more.
The Dent County Animal Welfare Society formed in 1990 with the hope of improving conditions for animals and creating awareness in this area.